ZigaForm version 7.4.9

Insurance Information

Insurance Coverage

Some insurance policies may cover mental health services provided at Quest. It is the responsibility of each family to verify coverage, preauthorize services, and provide Quest with all necessary information to provide the family with a super bill to be submitted for reimbursement. While we will assist you in completing these forms, additional professional time may be necessary.

Consultation with utilization review or completion of clinical reports may require additional cost. Quest cannot be held responsible for insurance companies failure to reimburse. All fees must be paid prior to attendance.

The Additional Insurance Information below provides the information to share with your insurance company that is most likely to increase your odds that Quest therapeutic services will be covered so it is advised to utilize the information on this link when contacting your insurance company.

Please contact Quest with any questions regarding calling your insurance. Some families are also successful at receiving tax benefits related to their payment of Quest fees as a medical expense.

Please consult with your tax consultant for further information and to determine if this would be helpful with your family.

Need more information?

Contact us today!

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Insurance Coverage

Some insurance policies may cover mental health services provided at Quest. It is the responsibility of each family to verify coverage, preauthorize services, and provide Quest with all necessary information to provide the family with a super bill to be submitted for reimbursement. While we will assist you in completing these forms, additional professional time may be necessary.

Consultation with utilization review or completion of clinical reports may require additional cost. Quest cannot be held responsible for insurance companies failure to reimburse. All fees must be paid prior to attendance.

The Additional Insurance Information below provides the information to share with your insurance company that is most likely to increase your odds that Quest therapeutic services will be covered so it is advised to utilize the information on this link when contacting your insurance company.

Please contact Quest with any questions regarding calling your insurance. Some families are also successful at receiving tax benefits related to their payment of Quest fees as a medical expense.

Please consult with your tax consultant for further information and to determine if this would be helpful with your family.

For Summer Camp


Quest Psychological Consulting offers 4 weeks of an intensive, structured outpatient program for children with mild to moderate behavioral, emotional, or social difficulties for in-person services. Children that attend Quest often have diagnoses of ADHD, learning disabilities, high functioning autism, anxiety, depression, and/or adjustment disorders.

Quest provides a comprehensive therapeutic system that includes a treatment plan individualized for each child with identified treatment goals, in which each child receives direction throughout the whole day to practice new skill sets and work specifically on identified goals.

In addition, a behavioral milieu is utilized, group therapy is provided five days per week and weekly parenting groups are included. Quest operates under the direction of Jodie Knott, Ph.D., licensed clinical psychologist (CA license # PSY20647).

Parents are often able to get their insurance companies to authorize services since Quest has been found to significantly decrease hyperactivity, impulsivity, aggression, and inattention, while improving peer relations, family relations, athletic competency, behavioral control and self-esteem. Due to these factors, insurance companies are willing to sign off on a “single case agreement.”

For in-person summer services, insurance companies often authorize Quest services by authorizing 5 hours of group therapy per week at the rate of $237 per session under billing code 90853 as an out-of-network benefit. In rare occasions, insurance companies authorize the full cost of the program. In rare occasions, insurance companies authorize the full cost of the program.

(**Please note that these rates are based off of regular prices and super bills will add in a discount section to reflect discounts such as earlybird, multisession, and sibling discounts, etc.)

Helpful Tips

  • Avoid referring to Quest as a summer camp and use our DBA name of Quest Psychological Consulting when speaking with insurance companies since this works better.
  • Ask for information regarding the “allowed rate” since that changes the amount of reimbursement. Without the allowed rate, you will have no real idea about the level of reimbursement.
  • Use Quest Psychological Consulting’s correct tax ID when speaking with your insurance company, which is TIN: 27-0368721 NPI: 139608139.  If you are told Quest is an in-network versus out-of-network benefit your insurance company is giving youincorrect information and are likely looking up the wrong tax ID number.

For School Year Groups

Quest Psychological Consulting offers 10 weeks of group therapy for children with mild to moderate behavioral, emotional, or social difficulties. Children that attend Quest often have diagnoses of ADHD, learning disabilities, high function autism, anxiety, depression, and/or adjustment disorders.

Quest operates under the direction of Jodie Knott, Ph.D., licensed clinical psychologist (CA license # PSY20647). For in-person school year groups, insurance companies often authorize Quest services by authorizing 10 hours of group therapy at the rate of $95 per session under billing code 90853 as an out-of-network benefit.  For online telehealth groups, sessions are still billed with the same 90853 code, but superbills include a modifier code to reflect that the sections were provided through telehealth.  Please check with your insurance provider prior to services to verify coverage.

Quest operates under the direction of Jodie Knott, Ph.D., licensed clinical psychologist (CA license # PSY20647). Insurance companies often authorize Quest services by authorizing 10 hours of group therapy at the rate of $95 per session under billing code 90853 as an out-of-network benefit.
(**Please note that these rates are based off of regular prices and super bills will add in a discount section to reflect discounts such as earlybird, multisession, and sibling discounts, etc.)

Helpful Tips

  • Avoid referring to Quest as a summer camp and use our DBA name of Quest Psychological Consulting when speaking with insurance companies since this works better.
  • Ask for information regarding the “allowed rate” since that changes the amount of reimbursement. Without the allowed rate, you will have no real idea about the level of reimbursement.

Extended School Year

Quest Therapeutic Camps of Southern California has been paid by school districts to provide summer services to children in their district. In order for this to occur, the child typically has social, emotional, and/or behavioral goals listed in their IEP. Quest is also then written into the IEP document. Some school districts also fund Quest’s school year therapeutic groups.

Quest Psychological Consulting, Inc.

5212 Katella Avenue, #104, Los Alamitos, CA 90720
Phone: 714-490-3428
Fax: 562-493-1684

TIN: 27-0368721 | NPI: 139608139

Need more information?

Contact us today!

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Get in Touch!

Interested in learning more about Quest?


(562) 493-1684


5212 Katella Ave. #104
Los Alamitos, CA 90720


Quest is a unique, evidence-based program that combines recreational activities, behavioral milieu and group psychotherapy. We welcome kids, ages 6 to 18, with mild to moderate social, emotional and/or behavioral difficulties. We are proudly accredited by the American Camp Association!

© 2019 Quest Therapeutic Camps of Southern California.

All rights reserved. | Terms & Conditions.