Quest Camper Scholarship Application
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Please read all scholarship information and complete the form in it’s entirety. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Sign and date your application.
Step 4
If you are using a fax machine/service, fax your filled-out application to (562) 493-1684.
Step 5
Applying for a Quest Camp Scholarship
Directions to Apply for a Quest Scholarship
Please complete the application page, check off that your child meets all standards of eligibility on the following page, and send a copy of your tax 1040s for this year. An independent review board will be making determinations regarding the number and level of scholarships, based on the amount of funds available.
Objective Standards for Eligibility of Camp Scholarship Recipients
The following guidelines qualify a scholarship participant with Quest Therapeutic Camps of Southern California. Financial information is submitted as part of the Quest Therapeutic Camps of Southern California scholarship application process. Characteristics are gleaned from personal interviews and conversations with references before the camper is accepted by Quest Camps.
- Camper meets standard screening criteria when assessed by Dr. Jodie Knott through parent interview by phone. Typical criteria include that the child is in the mild to moderate range of social, emotional, and behavioral challenges. Quest campers typically have diagnoses of ADHD, Asperger’s.
- Disorder, High Functioning Autism, Adjustment Disorders, Mood Disorders, and learning disabilities. Children with significantly lower cognitive ability, a serious history of aggression, self-harm, or running away are not appropriate for Quest programming. Children who would appear to struggle with our ratio of 6:1 for campers 8 to 18 or 4:1 ratio for 6 to 7 year olds are not appropriate for Quest.
- Camper is 6 to 18 years old.
- The camper’s family is committed to having their child attend Quest Therapeutic Camps of Southern California and will make sure that their child is transported to camp each day.
- Camper’s family is unable to otherwise afford sending this child to attend Quest Therapeutic Camps of Southern California, as shown by their submission of income and expense information on the Quest Therapeutic Camps of Southern California scholarship application.
- The amount given toward the participation of any scholarship camper shall not exceed the amount of tuition minus the amount the family is able to pay and any amount gleaned from the participant’s own efforts in raising funds.
Camper Scholarship Program Guidelines
Quest Therapeutic Camps of Southern California strives to make camp available to all campers, regardless of the means. Aside from income, we look at number of children in the household and extenuating factors such as family member illness, family members in college, and so on. Camper scholarships are based on space availability and competition of documentation as well as availability of funds for the program. No other discounts or promotions may be used with camper scholarships.
Income Eligibility Guidelines Quest
Therapeutic Camps of Southern California strives to be generous and make camp attainable for all campers, regardless of ability to pay. In general, consideration will be given to any family that expresses need. We have established a panel of 3 independent reviewers who will examine the families’ provided 1040s and decide who will be awarded scholarships.
To apply for a Quest Camp scholarship, please complete the following form to the best of your ability by May 15th. While we accept applications through May 15th, scholarships are limited and often awarded earlier in the year based on when applications are received.
Please download the PDF of the Quest Scholarship Application and email the completed form to
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Get in Touch!
Interested in learning more about Quest?
(562) 493-1684
5212 Katella Ave. #104
Los Alamitos, CA 90720
Quest is a unique, evidence-based program that combines recreational activities, behavioral milieu and group psychotherapy. We welcome kids, ages 6 to 18, with mild to moderate social, emotional and/or behavioral difficulties. We are proudly accredited by the American Camp Association!

© 2019 Quest Therapeutic Camps of Southern California.
All rights reserved. | Terms & Conditions.