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Why a Therapeutic Camp?

Why a Therapeutic Camp?

Why a Therapeutic Camp?  Every year I am asked about the difference between a regular camp and a therapeutic camp so I thought that would make a good topic for this month's newsletter.  Of course, every camp is different so some of these answers will cover camps in...

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Celebrating Differences Amongst Kids

Celebrating Differences Amongst Kids

Celebrating Differences Among Kids!  Depending on your children's different abilities, personalities, behavioral challenges and goals they may require different levels of support. This may look like one child needing help with their homework while another can be...

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Empathy Development in Kids

Empathy Development in Kids

Empathy Development in Kids Empathy has been on my heart and mind a lot lately and I have decided it is going to be our core focus for Quest camp this summer since it is so incredibly important.  For this newsletter, I wanted to highlight some of the key concepts and...

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Helping Kids to be Honest!

Helping Kids to be Honest!

Helping Kids to be Honest! Trust is an essential component of a parent and child relationship and can easily be broken with habitual lying. This month's newsletter will discuss how we can set kids up for success to be honest. ADDitude magazine inspired...

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Choosing Joy!

Choosing Joy!

Choosing Joy! This month seemed like a good month to write about joy.  Joy and happiness are wonderful feelings to experience, but are very different.  Joy is more consistent and is cultivated internally.  It comes when you make peace with who you are, why...

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About Quest

Quest Therapeutic Camps of Southern California provides summer day camp, after school programs and psychological treatment designed for kids with special needs.