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Read the detailed description of Quest's Summer Camp information!

January 2018

It seemed appropriate to write a newsletter this month about change and growth since so many people are taking time to reflect and take stock to decide if they are setting resolutions for the New Year.  I find that the new year often provides a good time to examine oneself.  I often use this time in my life and in my work to discuss with people the progress made in reaching previous set goals and to set new goals or adjust previous goals as appropriate.  This time of year also naturally lends itself to asking bigger questions.  I thought it might just make sense to write down some questions for reflection.
2018: Is this the year of…?
1. Saying “yes!” 
-What do you want to say “yes” to this year?
-What do you value most?
-What brings you joy?
-Are there old yes’s that you need to bring back in for 2018?
-What are new things that your life could be better if you said “yes” to?
-How would your life be different if you took a risk and said “yes?”
2. Saying “no!” 
-What do you want to say “no” to this year?
-What do you not value as much, but takes up your valuable time?
-What keeps you from the things you want to say “yes” to?
-What boundaries or limits might you need to set in order to say “no” and stick with it?
-How would your life be different with less things on your schedule that you don’t value?
3. Being thankful! 
-How would I (my life, my spirit, my mood, my relationships, etc.) be different if I remembered what I was grateful for each day?
4. Being present!
-What am I most likely missing currently by not being present enough in my life?
-How would my life be different if I took ____ minutes each day to be present?

5. Pushing my comfort zone!

-What is something that I would really like to learn?
-How would my life be different if I took a risk to do this thing that scares me a little bit?
-How would my life be different if I took a risk to do this thing that scares me a lot?
6. Managing major life events! 
I put this one in since often major life event and greatly impact us.  These major life events can come in many forms from buying a new house, having a new baby, getting a new job, having a health crisis, caring for an ailing relative, managing a financial stress, dealing with a loss, etc.  Positive and negative life events can bring stress and change the types of questions we ask (If and when we even have the time to ask questions).
-Is there anything I need to evaluate or change given the current situation?
-How can I take care of myself in this season?
-How can I take care of others in this season?
-What can I take away or learn from this situation?

I hope that these areas for reflection were helpful.  There are, of course, many more I could have put in, but these were the ones on my mind or areas I have heard others talking about in recent weeks.  I find that for myself I have common themes each year–with goals each year regarding faith, relationships, health, and business.  Consistent with the research, the more that I set specific, measurable goals that are realistic and where I monitor and reward myself for achieving each milestone the more successful I am.  I hope this year is your best year yet!


School Year Programming

School year therapy groups are ten-week afternoon therapeutic groups that are designed to provide therapy by specifically targeting individualized goals for our campers.

A minimum of one hour includes therapeutic activities that heavily target the development of social skills, emotion regulation, and positive behaviors, while the next hour focuses on further skill development by providing a variety of experiential activities as part of a group to create opportunities to observe the child in a natural setting and intervene to facilitate change. Some quarters provide a special emphasis to improve skills, while other quarters have a more general offering based on the campers’ interests and often include programming in areas such as video game making, drama, art, movie making, etc.

Winter Group Dates are:
January 4th – March 8th
Wednesday Evenings 5:30 to 7:30
at the Central Library in Huntington Beach

Summer Programming

Quest’s intensive summer program offers 7 weeks of programming (6 weeks of day camp and 1 week of residential). The summer program includes individualized behavior plans, group therapy, occupational therapy, a social thinking curriculum, mindfulness activities, yoga, soccer, games in the park, and field trips (beach, boomers, rockin’ jump, Discovery Science Center, bowling, etc.) to create a fun and engaging, therapeutic camp experience for children.

Weekly parent meetings are also included. The summer program has been found across multiple studies to significantly reduce hyperactivity, impulsivity, aggression, and inattention, while improving peer relations, family relations, athletic competency, behavioral control and self-esteem. Quest has also been found to improve social awareness, social cognition, social communication, and social problems.

Summer Camp Dates are:
June 25 through August 9th