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Read the detailed description of Quest's Summer Camp information!

Read Our Latest Announcement!
Dear Friends of Quest,


Jodie Knott, Ph.D.
Director and Licensed Psychologist
Quest Therapeutic Camps of Southern California


Quest’s Intensive Therapeutic Summer Camp Program
starts Wednesday, September 21, 2016!
Our After School Therapy Program starts in 14 days!!!
Register now!!!
Today is the last day to receive our early bird discount of $50 off!
* Payment plans are available.

Our School Year Calendar is set and registration is now open!

It should be an amazing school year!!! I know a lot of you have already been talking to me about signing up and I think it will be great. For the school year, we basically take the same premise of the summer camp, but try to keep the best components of our 32 hour/week program and shrink it into a 2 hour/week group Wednesday nights from 5:30 to 7:30 at the Central Library.

We run a Fall, Winter, and Spring Quarter. Kids get 5 goals instead of 10, and we keep home points and add in some school points. We also do the camp store at the end of each 10 week quarter and have two parent meetings throughout the quarter. For the school year group, we add in a conversation check-in component most weeks, run around a little most weeks in the park (weather permitting), and I plan specific activities consistent with the therapy and mindfulness activities that happened in summer. Several quarters we often add a group project as well such as movie making, Legos, etc.

Fall Dates:
  • Sept 21, 28
  • Oct 5, 12, 19 (Parent meeting from 6:30 to 7:30 while group is also going on), 26
  • Nov 2, 9, 16
  • Dec 7 (Parent meeting from 6:30 to 7:30 while group is also going on)
Winter Dates:
  • Jan 4, 11, 18, 25
  • Feb 1 (Parent meeting from 6:30 to 7:30 while group is also going on), 8, 15, 22
  • Mar 1, 8 (Parent meeting from 6:30 to 7:30 while group is also going on)
Spring Dates:
  • Mar 15, 22, 29
  • Apr 5 (two weeks off for spring break), 26 (Parent meeting from 6:30 to 7:30 while group is also going on)
  • May 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 (Parent meeting from 6:30 to 7:30 while group is also going on)

Quest Summer Camps provide a treatment that has been proven to be effective including:

  1. Individualized goals/behavior plans
  2. Group therapy 4X’s per week
  3. Occupational therapy services in collaboration with Karate for All
  4. A 6-to-1 camper to staff ratio for campers 8 and older and a 4 to 1 ratio for 6 – 7 year old campers
  5. Parent meetings with home therapeutic goal development
  6. Consistent positive interventions
  7. Engaging fun activities such as soccer, movie making, video game making, games in the park, and field trips such as high-ropes courses, trips to bowling, Boomers, beach days, and a Big Bear residential trip.

The Results are in!

Quest Camp is again found to be an effective treatment!!!

100% of Parents Report Being
“Extremely Satisfied” or “Satisfied” in Multiple Areas Including:


  • Overall Summer Program
  • Expertise and Leadership of Director
  • Supervision and Safety
  • Quality of Professional and Counselor Staff
  • Support and Encouragement
  • Parent Meetings
  • Field Trips
  • Flexibility and Creativity of Staff
  • Access to Staff
  • Behavioral Goals and Ratings
  • Online Registration Experience

* Survey Results from Parents of 2015 Huntington Beach Summer Camp


School Year Programming

School year therapy groups are ten-week afternoon therapeutic groups that are designed to provide therapy by specifically targeting individualized goals for our campers.

A minimum of one hour includes therapeutic activities that heavily target the development of social skills, emotion regulation, and positive behaviors, while the next hour focuses on further skill development by providing a variety of experiential activities as part of a group to create opportunities to observe the child in a natural setting and intervene to facilitate change. Some quarters provide a special emphasis to improve skills, while other quarters have a more general offering based on the campers’ interests and often include programming in areas such as video game making, drama, art, movie making, etc.

Winter Group Dates are:
January 4th – March 8th
Wednesday Evenings 5:30 to 7:30
at the Central Library in Huntington Beach

Summer Programming

Quest’s intensive summer program offers 7 weeks of programming (6 weeks of day camp and 1 week of residential). The summer program includes individualized behavior plans, group therapy, occupational therapy, a social thinking curriculum, mindfulness activities, yoga, soccer, games in the park, and field trips (beach, boomers, rock climbing, ropes course, bowling, etc.) to create a fun and engaging, therapeutic camp experience for children.

Weekly parent meetings are also included. The summer program has been found across multiple studies to significantly reduce hyperactivity, impulsivity, aggression, and inattention, while improving peer relations, family relations, athletic competency, behavioral control and self-esteem. Quest has also been found to improve social awareness, social cognition, social communication, and social problems.

Summer Camp Dates are:
June 26 through August 10th