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As We Enter Into Our 15th Summer Season… 

Read the detailed description of Quest's Program Details!

I am filled with gratitude and positive memories.  I continue to feel that it is such a tremendous honor and privilege that we have been able to serve so many amazing children and their families over the years as parents have entrusted their children to us.

At many of our parent meetings over the years so many of our parents of teens have offered encouragement and perspective to the parents of our younger campers since they have been able to share their own experiences regarding how their children have grown, developed and achieved so much as they age.  I have really felt this same thing in my own way recently as multiple of our very first campers who first attended camp over a decade ago have been graduating high school, attending college, working in the community and having great relationships with others.
5 Lessons I am grateful that our campers and parents have taught me over the years:
  1. First and foremost, while it is true that we work on changing behavior, our children are unique and wonderful people just the way that they are.
  2. Change takes time and is a process, but it is amazing what kids and families can achieve.
  3. Learning is best when it is fun, experiential and focused on celebrating successes and wins along the way.
  4. Our families are dedicated and work very hard to give their kids more opportunities.
  5. As always, I get more from spending time with our campers than I ever give to them.
Reflecting on the many successes of our previous campers fills me with hope and a reminder of how important it is to maintain expectations as our campers have a history of soaring to new heights when given a variety of opportunities to build skills and encouragement to persevere despite obstacles.